International Society for the
Study of Vascular Anomalies
John Mulliken Award for Best Scientific Paper:
Mosaic RAS/MAPK variants cause sporadic vascular malformations which respond to targeted therapy
Satyamaanasa Polubothu; Mary Glover; Lara Al-Olabi; Katherine Dowsett; Katrina Andrews; Paulina stadnik; Agnel P Joseph; Rachel Knox; Alan Pittman; Graeme Clark; William Baird; Neil Bulstrode; Kristiana Gordon; Darren Hargrave; Sue Huson; Thomas Jacques; Gregory James; Hannah Kondolf; Loshan Kangesu; Kim Keppler-noreuil; Amjad Khan; Marjorie Lindhurst; Mark Lipson; Sahar Mansour; Justine O'hara; Caroline Mahon; Anda Mosica; Celia Moss; Aditi Murthy; Juling Ong; Victoria Parker; Jean-baptiste Riviere; Julie Sapp; Neil Sebire; Rahul Shah; Branavan Sivakumar; Anna Thomas; Alex Virasami; Regula Waelchli; Zhiqiang Zeng; Leslie G Biescker; Alex Barnacle; Maja Topf; Robert Semple; Elizabeth Patton; Veronica Kinsler
Robert Schobinger Award for Best Clinical Paper:
Lymphatic malformations treated by venous anastomosis technique based on flow assessment
Motoi Kato; Shoji Watanabe; Azusa Watanabe
Stephan Belov Award for the best poster:
Intrinsic Lymphatic Endothelial Cell Defects: A Contributor to Secondary Chylothorax Development in Pediatric Congenital Cardiac Anomaly Patients
Aqsa Shakoor; Christopher Kitajewski; Michael Schonnin; Ajit Muley; Rozelle Corda; Sophia Chrisomalis-Dring; Paul Chai; June Wu; Carrie Shawber
John Mulliken Award for Best Scientific Paper:
Overexpression of VEGF-C in bone induces a Gorham-Stout disease-like phenotype.
Asitha Silva, Jian Feng, Paul Dechow, Kari Alitalo, Michael Dellinger. UT Southwestern Medical Center, Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, University of Helsinki.
Robert Schobinger Award for Best Clinical Paper:
Development of A Set of Core Outcome Measures for Vascular Malformations (OVAMA Project): An International E-Delphi Consensus Study.
Sophie E.R. Horbach, Chantal M.A.M. van der Horst, Dirk T. Ubbink, OVAMA consensus group, Phyllis I. Spuls. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Academic Medical Center (AMC) Amsterdam, Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Academic Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Surgery and Epidemiology, Academic Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, OVAMA project, Dermatology, Academic Medical Center AMC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Stephan Belov Award for the best poster:
When Do Hemangiomas Need Treatment? A Predictive Scoring System to Screen for Early Referral.
Sarah Chamlin, Jin-Shei Lai, Jennifer Beaumont, Eulalia Baselga, Elizabeth Rancour and Anita Haggstrom.
John Mulliken Award for Best Scientific Paper:
Venous Malformation: from causative TIE2 mutations to murine model and targeted therapy
Elisa Boscolo, Kyu-Tae Kang, Nisha Limaye, Julie Soblet, Melanie Uebelhoer, Mariut Natynki, Carlo Brugnara, Emmanuel Seront, Lauri Eklund, Miikka Vikkula, Laurence Boon and Joyce Bischoff
Robert Schobinger Award for Best Clinical Paper:
Updating and expanding the ISSVA classification of vascular anomalies: A proposal
Michel Wassef, Denise Adams, Ahmad Alomari, Eulalia Baselga, Alejandro Berenstein, Francine Blei, Patricia Burrows, Ilona Frieden, Maria Garzon, Juan-Carlos Lopez-Gutierrez, David Lord, Julie Prendiville and Miikka Vikkula
Stephan Belov Award for the best poster:
Randomized, triple blind, intra-individually placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of topical rapamycin associated with PDL in SWS´s patients
Pedro Redondo, Leyre Aguado, Maider Pretel, Laura Marques, Alejandro Sierra, Pablo Boixeda and Eulalia Baselga
The John Mulliken Prize for the best scientific paper:
Fadusil Decreases Lesion Burden in Murine Models of Cerebral Cavernous Malformations
Douglas Marchuk, David McDonald, Changbin Chi, Robert Shenkar, Rebecca Stockton, Feifei Liu, Mark Ginsberg and Issam Awad
The Robert Schobinger Prize for the best clinical paper:
Clinical Follow-up of Six Patients with Complicated Vascular Anomalies Treated with Sirolimus
Adrienne M. Hammill, Mary Sue Wentzel, Carole Chute, Manish Patel, Roshni Dasgupta, Richard G. Azizkhan and Denise M. Adams
The Stephan Belov Prize for the best poster:
Kaposiform Lymphangiomatosis: Clinical Profile of a Distinct, Aggressive Lymphatic Disorder
Stacy E. Croteau, Harry Pl Kozakewich, Antonio R. Perez-Atayde, Gulrais Chaundry, Ahmad I. Alomari, John B. Mulliken, Steven J. Fishman, Cameron C. Trenor, III
The John Mulliken Prize for the best scientific paper
Renin-Angiotensin System in Haemangioma
Tinte Itinteang M.D., Helen D. Brasch M.D., Darren J. Day, M.D., Swee T. Tan, M.D.
The Robert Schobinger Prize for the best clinical paper
Noninvasive characterization of lymphatic architecture and function in control and lymphedema subjects using near-infrared fluorescence imaging
John C. Rasmussen, Ph.D., Milton V. Marshall, Ph.D., I-Chih Tan, Ph.D., Kristen E. Adams, Ph.D., Melissa B. Aldrich, Ph.D., Xuejuan Wang, M.D., Caroline E. Fife, M.D., Erik A. Maus, M.D., Latisha A. Smith, M.D. and Eva M. Sevick-Muraca, Ph.D.
The Stephan Belov Prize for the best poster
Pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with slow-flow vascular malformations (extensive venous malformations or Klippel-Tranaunay Syndrome)
Leyre Aguado Gil, M.D., Moises Rodriguéz Mañero, M.D., Alejandro Sierra Martinez, M.D., Antonio Martinez De la Cuesta, M.D., Juan Cabrera Garrido, M.D. and Pedro Redondo Bellon, M.D.
The John Mulliken Prize for the best scientific paper
Identification of the cause of sporadic venous malformation
Laurence Boon, M.D., PhD, Vinciane Wouters, MSc, Nisha Limaye, PhD, Melanie Uebelhoer, MSc, John Mulliken, M.D. and Miikka Vikkula, M.D., PhD
The Robert Schobinger Prize for the best clinical paper
Beta-Blocking Agent for treatement of infantile hemangioma
Michèle Bigorre, M.D., Aurelie Khau Van Kien, M.D., and Huguette Valette, M.D.
Propanolol: A New therapeutic option for complicated infantile hemangiomas
Christine Léauté-Labrèze, M.D., Eric Dumas de la Roque, M.D., Jean-Benoît Thambo, M.D., Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier, M.D., Dan Lipsker, M.D., Nicolas Grenier, M.D., Jérôme Berge, M.D. and Alain Taieb, M.D.
The Stephan Belov Prize for the best poster
Macrocephaly-CMTC-Report of 12 new cases and support for revising the name of so-called M-CMTC syndrome
Dakara Rucker Wright, M.D., Ilona Frieden, M.D., Seth Orlow, M.D., PhD, Helen Shin, M.D., Julie Schaffer, M.D., Sarah Chamlin, M.D. and Amy Paller, M.D.
The Stephan Belov Prize for the best poster
Orbital Vascular Lesions: Differential Diagnosis
Cordisco MR, Pierini AM, Da Col E, Davila MT, Perscio S.
The John Mulliken Prize for the best scientific paper
Abberant Fat Associated with Vascular Anomalies: Implications for Pathophysiology and Treatment
Maria Rudnick, M.D., Susan Dela Brida, M.D., Joseph Upton, M.D. and Judah Folkman, M.D.
The Robert Schobinger Prize for the best clinical paper
Glomovenous Malformation (Glomangioma) is a Distinct Clinical Pathologic Genetic Entity
Laurence Boon, M.D., J.B. Mulliken, M.D., Odile Enjolras, M.D. and Mikka Vikkula, M.D.
Note: Presenters names are in bold.